Poetry Chapbook Lab Application Help
When are Applications Open?
Poetry Chapbook Lab Applications are open June 15 to August 1. Please review this page before starting. You might find it helpful to pre-write your answers, then copy and paste into the application form; refer to the questions below.
When you’re ready (and if it’s between June 15 and August 1), APPLY HERE!.
Prepare Your Applications Answers
On the application, we’re going to ask you these questions. You might find it easiest to write out your answers ahead of time and copy/paste them into the application form.
Applicant Questions, Part 1: Your Writing Experience
1. Describe your reading and writing practices; include titles of some poetry collections you’ve read this year.
2. Tell us about your writing experience; include formal education and craft classes, publication history highlights, contest awards, etc.
Applicant Questions, Part 2: Program Fit
3. What are your strengths as a writer/poet and what skills do you need to develop?
4. Tell us about your workshopping/critique group experience—the good and the bad.
5. Why do you think you’re a good fit for this program?
Applicant Questions, Part 3: Your Chapbook Project
6. Describe your proposed chapbook project; include your topical or thematic vision and tell us how much work you’ve done on it so far.
7. Is there a poetry collection that serves as an inspiration or model for your project? In what ways?
8. What activity or subject, aside from poetry, are you most passionate about right now?
Prepare Your Document to Upload
On the application, you’ll be asked to upload a document in .DOC, .DOCX, or .PDF format containing the following:
An artist statement: tell us a little about why you write, who your influences are, and what you value in poems — up to 300 words.
A work sample of 12 poems, which can be previously published or unpublished, formatted in Times New Roman, with each poem beginning on a new page.
Application Fee
Charlotte Lit collects a $20 application fee to offset the cost of reading and evaluating applications and writing samples. Fee waivers are available for writers with financial need; contact admin@charlottelit.org to request one.
Information Sessions — Required!
Come to an information session! Just one hour, covering everything you need to know. Note: You can apply to the Lab any time, but attending an info session is REQUIRED for application review. Find a session and pre-register here.