Charlotte Lit’s 2024-25 Teacher Guide

Thank you for being a member of Charlotte Lit’s faculty for 2023-24! This page provides the information you need for a smooth and successful session. Questions? Contact Paula Martinac at


Wherever you teach, a Charlotte Lit host will be there to handle tech, check-in, and other logistics.

  • In-person: Charlotte Lit’s in-person classes are held inside hygge coworking, 933 Louise Avenue, Charlotte, 28204. Park in the gravel lot on Louise across from building and follow the signs to the event entrance. (You can find a useful map here.)
  • Online: Most online classes are here: Log in with your own personal Zoom account.

Promoting Your Class

We need a minimum of five registrations to run a class. Your actions can make the difference.

  • We promote extensively through our newsletter, website, and social media — and we also need your help.
  • Send us your active social media handles so that we can tag you when we promote you and your class.
  • Customized graphics will be sent to you for easy posting to your social media. When you post, please tag us: Facebook @CLTLit, Twitter @CLTLitArts, Instagram @charlottelit.
  • Lit Bits — brief writing tips or mini craft lessons we can share in our newsletter and blog — are optional but very effective in filling seats. Often, these make the difference between go and no-go. [Click here to read Lit Bit samples and guidelines.]

Your Class Materials

Here are three things we’ll need in advance. Everything here goes to

  • Student pre-work, if there is any, should be sent no later than two weeks before the class. This can include readings (PDFs, website links, etc.), questions to answer, pre-writing, or even pre-thinking.
  • Student handouts, if there are any, should be sent no later than one week before the class. We’ll distribute them electronically for online classes and print them for in-person classes.
  • Your technical needs need to be discussed with us in advance, so that we can be sure to accommodate you. Note that if you require projection, plan to bring an HDMI adapter for your computer — we have adapters but can’t guarantee there will be one that matches your ports. As a Plan B, email us your file or links so that we’ll have them.


Things you’ll need to know when teaching for Charlotte Lit.

  • Arrival. In-person, arrive at least 15 minutes in advance, more if you need technology or a special room setup. For virtual, 10 minutes is fine unless you need to test your technology or consult with your host.
  • Start (and End) On Time. We want to reward student promptness, so please begin at the scheduled time. Similarly, students expect that classes will end at the advertised time.
  • Opening/Housekeeping. Your session host will welcome everyone, cover housekeeping, and briefly introduce you to the group. You may then wish to offer your own welcome and more personal introduction, and to provide a brief overview of your session.
  • Student Introductions. Student introductions should be short and sweet — maybe 20 seconds per person in a two-hour class.
  • Breaks. All classes should have a short (5-10 minute) break near the middle. If you’re including a writing activity, you can combine the break with it.
  • Closing. At close, please leave one minute for your host to provide final housekeeping.
  • Payment. Checks are sent monthly on the 15th. If you prefer PayPal or Venmo, send us your handle.
  • Day of class emergencies? Call or text 336-926-8833.

Insider Tips: What Our Classes Are Like

If you’re new to Charlotte Lit, here’s a bit on how our learning is designed.

  • You Do You. We encourage you to maintain your own teaching style, while also keeping in mind what the typical Charlotte Lit experience feels like for students.
  • Instruction Mix. Generally, craft classes mix direct instruction, class discussion, exemplars, and limited generative exercises or prompts. We find that the key is mixing it up — using different modes to make sure all students have a chance to participate actively.
  • Interaction. Most of our classes are interactive, with questions and comments encouraged at any time.
  • Sharing. Our students often want to share their work after generative exercises. In one-sessions classes, you’ll want to manage this carefully to assure no one takes more than their share of time. Specific guidelines, such as: “If you’d like to share, please read one or two sentences you most like” are helpful. While you might have to encourage some to share, please do not require it. In multi-session classes, there may be more time for each student to share.